OK. I wrote earlier saying I was going to share with you who inspires me.
Well I have a young woman in my class who really makes me take a good look at myself.
How I CAN make a difference. How I CAN do something I think I can't. Makes me realize just how important life is. Makes me step back and take a good look at who I want to be.
When I first met her I new I was drawn by her personality. As I got to know her a bit more she left me thinking WOW! I wish I was as strong as her.
I am not speaking in terms of muscle. But her determination and strength to go through so much and be such a warm, caring woman. And might I add she has lost 100lbs and still keeps right on going.
I can tell you she inspires me in so many ways. Here are her own words her journey to such am AMAZING transformation.
Like many people, I don't know when my weight got out of control. My family is prone to obesity, but I have always eaten a healthier diet and had been more physically active than most. My weight yo-yo'ed in my teen and 20's depending on changes in my lifestyle (home to college; college to work) and if I was focused on it or not. I had three children between the ages of 27 and 30 and found my weight creeping higher than it had ever been as I got pregnant again before I managed to lose the baby weight from the last child. While I resented buying clothes in larger sizes, I didn't really feel like I had much of a choice )or a problem for that matter) as the kids, their activities and the house demanded every ounce of energy I had to give. I was proud of the fact that I took good care of everyone and everything else and, as a result, there was no time to take care of myself. I wore this martyrdom like a badge of honor, never having time for doctor's appointments, friends or shopping for myself. My mom died just before my youngest son turned one, which just reinforced my fierce need to throw myself into parenting and making a home for my family.
Over the years, my weight crept up higher into the 200's. My obesity became a problem when knee and feet issues began to compromise my mobility. Every step was extremely painful. Adding to the physical pain, I was emotionally hurt every time I realized that I was too big to fit in some chairs and had to pull the seat belt all the way loose on flights. Many people conveyed revulsion at my obesity, transferring undesirable characteristics (lazy,stupid,unclean) to me based on my appearance. Worst of all, my children often had to do for me what I couldn't do for myself (drop off an item, get something from a different floor of the house, climb up and reach, ect)
I can't really put a finger on when my mental outlook changed, but over the course of a couple of years introspection, I started to realize that the martyr thing was not working out so well and it was time to seek a little balance in my life. The kids were older and life was (finally) getting a bit easier. The same old excuses were wearing thin (Pun intended!)
I started by talking to a therapist about some of the emotional baggage that was hidden by my weight. Next, I took affirmative steps to improve my physical health to the point where I could safely work on my weight. I saw a podiatrist about my plantar fascia, had physical therapy under the supervision of an orthopedist to strengthen my knees, had a workup by a cardiologist and had a physical with a general practitioner. From the GP, I got the name of a nutritionist. I made the appointment for late October 2007, figuring I knew most of what there was to know about healthy eating, but hoping to pick up a couple of tips. That appointment was the tipping point for me.
I have never been one to do something half way; if it is worth my time, it is going to get 100% of my attention (see paragraph about having young children!) My first appointment with the nutritionist was not an evaluation or presentation on what I could theoretically do about my weight. Rather, it served as a challenge and wake up call. I embraced the program immediately and was rewarded with measurable results almost from day 1. I stuck to the "eating plan" and upped my exercise by walking a bit more each day. Over the next few months, I improved my consistency of attendance and increased my effort at the fitness classes I was taking (pilates, circuit and cardio) and continued to see results on the scale. I survived Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday and New Year's without falling off the wagon.
I steadily and consistently lost an average of about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week for a year, losing 100 pounds in 13 months. I have 30 or 40 pounds left to lose before I expect that my weight will level out. I wish I could say it was getting easier or that I felt secure in my ability to continue to make food and activity choices that are consistent with my weight goals, but I can't. Many times each day, I struggle to act consistently with thoughts, with mixed results.
Sometimes getting out for that walk when duty calls in other areas of my life is really tough.
Sometimes the lure of chocolate just wins out, but I have learned that is ok, too. I know how to account for what I eat and how much physical activity I do and to understand what outcomes there will be in terms of gaining or losing as a result. I try not to be as tough on myself as I was earlier in the process if the numbers are not what I want but I refuse to let small setbacks justify a major relapse. I pray each day for the strength to do what I need to do to attain good health so that I can serve as a positive role model for my children and so that I can be able to be a part of their lives for many years to come.
Picture is from one of the classes she attends. You should see her go. AMAZING!
Thank you for sharing this with us. YOU are such an inspiration to me.
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