Wow! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this concert. They sounded amazing. And the show itself was just amazing.
Glenda & myself were able to meet the band. What a great night it was.
Here are a few pictures from that.
I am a full time personal trainer and group instructor. I love my job what can I say. I have a great family. Wonderful friends and everyone I work with seems to touch me in some way. You can see pics and find out more about classes ect at my web site. www.mytnpt.com
Jerry Davies, Farmers Insurance Group
323-932-3662, jerry.davies@farmersinsurance.com
LOS ANGELES, JULY 7, 2009 — A matching gift of $250,000 by Farmers Insurance kicks off the upcoming “Be a Hero for Babies Day” to raise funds for March of Dimes programs of research and education to help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.
Make a donation to the March of Dimes online at marchofdimes.com/farmers and the gift will double in value thanks to a pledge by Farmers Insurance, whose agents and employees nationwide will hold their fourth annual “Be a Hero for Babies Day” event on July 22, 2009 to benefit the March of Dimes. Through activities such as carwashes, golf outings, pancake breakfasts, and pie-throwing contests, Farmers agents aim to raise $2 million for healthier babies.
“Be a Hero for Babies Day shows a commitment by Farmers employees, agents and district managers across the country to help the March of Dimes improve the health of babies,’’ said Robert Woudstra, CEO of Farmers Insurance and member of March of Dimes national Board of Trustees. “It’s our goal to make a difference in our communities, especially for its smallest citizens.”
Premature birth is a serious and growing crisis in America, the March of Dimes says. One in 8 babies is born prematurely, and those who survive often face lifelong disabilities such as learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing loss, and other chronic conditions including asthma.
“I challenge everyone to visit marchofdimes.com/farmers or their local Farmers agent to make a donation to help raise urgently needed funds for March of Dimes research that will save babies’ lives and for programs that provide information and comfort to families with a baby in newborn intensive care,’’ said Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, president of the March of Dimes. “Farmers has an outstanding record of volunteer service, contributing time, energy, talent and financial resources to helping babies. We thank them for being a "Hero for Babies" and supporting the important work of the March of Dimes. And we’re especially grateful for the Farmers’ match, which effectively doubles all donations made up to $250,000.”
As the nation’s third-largest personal property and casualty insurance group, Farmers is committed to improving the communities where their customers, agents and employees live and work. Farmers’ commitment to the March of Dimes spans more than two decades and includes more than $25 million dedicated to research and education programs for infant health.
The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide and its premier event, March for Babies, the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. For the latest resources and information, visit marchofdimes.com or nacersano.org.