Saturday, July 25, 2009

Biking/Cycling whatever you call it.

OK..This is an area I know NOTHING about.
(I will direct you to my brother for that a little later)

Let me tell you about my brief encounter. (Thanks TOM!!!)
And how I think my brother was secretly out to kill me.

So me..being the "Oh so sweet sister I am" decided I would go visit my brother.

We were having such a nice time together when...
he suggests we go for "A little" bike ride.

GAK! I hadn't been on a bike since I was what? 7?

I said ok. How bad could it be?
( I thought I am in fairly good shape)
I was in for the shock of my life.

I figured we would go a mile or so and that would be it. Noooooooooo

As we are peddling along (for what seems like a day already)
He is smiling and saying "Hows it going Non?"
I smile with what feels like the last of my strength and slurrr out its great!

So now it feels like I have been on this bike for a week. FINALLY we are stopping. (I can hardly contain how happy I am as I oooze off this vicious moving thing people fondly call "a bike" )

Strangely I dont ever remember such pain as a child as I hopped on and rode around. Was that just a dream? Are there no such things as a "nice" bike?

OK so my brother all smiles says we are going to go get something to drink.
(My heart races as I realize I have to move my legs which means my butt is gonna start screaming. Not to mention my legs are about useless at this point)

So I manage to make it to starbucks and back. And the fear of getting back on that bike is consuming me. He says it "Was ONLY 8 miles ONE way" OMG!!!

So I made it through the longest day of my life. Lets skip to how my night went.

My husband the sweet...sweet man. So understanding as he "said he felt bad"
But was laughing as I had to put pillows under my butt & legs in bed so I could TRY and sleep.

So after this fine experience I had a few questions for my brother.
Doesnt his butt hurt?
Why would he want to do such a thing to himself?
Does he REALLY enjoy this?

Oh then I hear you can get calusuis on your butt? WHAT? Oh hell no! This is definetly not for me. Oh then I hear about the riding pants/shorts.
And yeppers he for some sick reason really does enjoy this.

So to my brother and the many people who enjoy this "vicious" form of exercise. My hats off to you. This is one thing I would have to say is WAY beyond me.
I will stick to the gym thank you.

I am proud that my brother has such a passion for this.
And I will always be his biggest fan. But I don't foresee my
"going for a little ride" anytime soon.

Keep riding and always know the respect I have for those of you who can get your butts on a bike and peddle your way to an amazingly fit bod.

For more information about biking you can check out


  1. Ok, first, I was not trying to kill you. I tried that and failed when I sweetly suggested that you stick a fork in the power outlet when we were kids. After that, plus all the adventures when you were a baby, and after you kicked my nuts into my stomach while we were wrestling, I gave up on attempting to murder you. You scare/d me.

    Second, my smile was partly because I love riding, but mostly because I was entirely filled with joy at having you out on the bike with me. Seriously. I loved it.

    Third, you were such a troopper I had no idea that you were suffering, and I figured the rest stop at Starbucks wasn't really even needed. But, it was so great to be out with you and we couldn't really talk while on the bikes.

    Fourth, and finally, all this sniveling and whining from a woman who teaches 20 fitness classes per week, plus private instruction, plus her own workouts, plus messing with a heart-deally (that's the technical medical term for it)? Waaaaaaaaaaa. Cry baby. Guess what I'm getting YOU for Christmas?!

  2. Dear dear brother....My body is used to the classes, my w/o and private instructions. lol My body now shivers at the thought of
    "a bike"

    You say you were "happy" for other reasons.. I know... you were secretly trying to kill me. lol (And of course I have the light socket incident in the back of my mind the whole time)

    I think for christmas I will give you a month of "my boot camp"
    Then we will see whos sniveling and whining.

    Hee hee now that would be schweet!
