OK so I resume my classes the week of Sept 6th. Well now is crunch time. Ugh!
I had a blast going to concerts and traveling around. But reality is now settling back in. Time to kick my own arse so I can be my best getting back in front of my classes.
A few of you have asked how to get a great total body workout in 15 mins. Well... I would have to suggest a combination of a couple of things.
If you are short on time these are great. And there is no gym required!
After warming up a bit by jogging in place..
Jump rope. Try doing this for 3 minutes to start and work up to 10.
Push ups (You know I am a huge fan of these)
Your goal is to have the perfect form. Not how many you can do.
Once you have mastered your form try doing 10 and work up to 3 sets of 10
Once you are comfortable with that you can move on to variations of push ups.
Wide stance push up- Hands are placed wider then your shoulders
Triceps push up- Fingers are pointed out towards walls instead of straight
Elevated push up- This is when your feet will be on a chair, couch something other then the floor.
Diamond push up- fingers and thumb come together to create a diamond instead of straight on the floor.
The benefits of jumping rope are- Burn a lot of calories quickly, weight loss, improved agility, cardiovascular improvement and improvement in balance to name a few.
Benefits of push ups- Total body conditioning,build muscle and boost metabolism. Just to name a few.
One of the great things about push ups is you can do them any where.
And you can pick up a good jump rope at any fitness supply store and they can also measure you for the right size as well.
So go ahead and and give yourself a total body workout in about 15 minutes.
This is a great combination to really get things moving.
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